Picture of Me!

Hey! I'm Adam Alshahwany 👋🏼

I'm a frontend software engineer with a strong passion for building responsive and performant web applications with great user experiences that positively impacts the world.

This is my technology stack

Java Script
Visual Basic
Visual Studio

Here are some of my projects

  • Car subscription project

    HTCS Crash Website

    Html, CSS, JavasScript, Visual Studio

    A software project description should start with an overview that explains the type of software that will be developed, the problem it will solve.

  • Car subscription project

    Java Integration

    Html, CSS, Java, JavasScript, Visual Basic, Visual Studio

    Java Development Kit on your local environment. JDK is a software development environment used for developing Java applications.

  • Car subscription project

    One Piece Clicker

    Alice, Visual Basic, C++

    Without any upgrades or anything, a Golden Cookie spawns m minutes after the last one disappeared, where m is a random number between 5 and 15.